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Diana Ribeiro
My name is Diana Ribeiro, I’ve been a dentist since July 2001. I graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto (FMDUP), and I started my surgical activity right away, as I was a Voluntary Assistant in Oral Surgery at FMDUP for 6 years. In the academic year of 2007/2008, I completed my specialisation at the University of Santiago de Compostela, earning the title of University Specialist in Oral Implantology.
In April 2017, I was awarded the title of Oral Surgery Specialist by the Portuguese Dental Association, and as such, I now belong to the College of Oral Surgery of the Portuguese Dental Association.
What I find appealing about dentistry, and in particular oral surgery, is that it’s an extremely challenging area where patients have very high expectations. It is very rewarding to be able to solve problems, which few health professionals would be able to do.
My free time is essentially filled with family, and whenever possible, enriched with trips around the world!
Portuguese Dental Association Registration Number – D3756