This is the specialty of dentistry responsible for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of muscular, articular, dental, soft tissue, as well as some of the support structures of the masticatory system.
Dental occlusion is the way in which the teeth relate to each other. They depend on the positioning of the teeth and the correct relationship between the jaws to allow the maintenance of all oral functions such as chewing, speaking and swallowing.
Occlusal problems can lead to changes in these functions and to temporomandibular dysfunctions – problems resulting from abnormal functioning of the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), associated structures, or both, in the oral-facial or cervical region. Malocclusion problems are directly related to a reduction in a person’s quality of life.
The most common symptoms are:
– Head, neck and jaw pain;
– Joint noises (clicking sounds);
– Ringing in the ears;
– Sensation of ear fullness;
– Jaw locking when opening or closing the mouth;
– Limitation of mouth opening;
– Teeth wear;
– Gingival recession due to bone loss;
– Difficulty in chewing.
Within the scope of occlusion-related pathologies, bruxism stands out – clenching or scraping of teeth – which may occur during the day or at night. The most recent studies show that 37% of the European population have bruxism, of which 90% are unaware of this condition.
Casos de Oclusão