The growing demand for aesthetic solutions in dentistry has led to the appearance of a multiplicity of techniques available to the dentist, improving the expectations of patients in the search for whiter and perfect teeth, meeting today’s standards of personal presentation, beauty and health. Aesthetic treatments are fundamental to the expressivity of the human smile.
Teeth Whitening
In recent years, the demand for whiter teeth has led to the appearance of several whitening techniques with different applications and results. Teeth whitening treatments are divided into two main areas: the whitening of vital teeth and the whitening of non-vital teeth (or devitalised teeth).
Aesthetic Restorations in Posterior Teeth
The social context dictated the decline of the silver amalgam, for aesthetic reasons, and the direct restoration technique in composite resin became the most usual. When the dental structure is severely compromised, indirect ceramic restoration techniques are used (ceramic inlays and onlays, and ceramic crowns). This technique requires the intervention of laboratory technicians for its production and, subsequently, their bonding to the remaining tooth structure by the dentist.
Aesthetic Restorations on Anterior Teeth
With the aim of correcting or treating the aesthetic disharmonies of the smile, various materials have been developed in order to restore the aesthetic and functional aspects of natural teeth. These materials can be composite resins, ceramic laminates (veneers) or ceramic crowns.
The aesthetic balance of the smile takes into account various aspects, and often requires a multidisciplinary aesthetic treatment (surgical correction of the gum margin, correction of maxillary and dental positioning, intervention in terms of colour, placement of missing teeth and finally the restorative technique adopted).
The final objective will always be the reproduction of the anatomy with the patient’s own shape, contour and texturing.
Casos de Estética